Friday, April 9, 2010


What is Self-Select bias?
Self-select bias is the error that can potentially enter into a survery when a sample is formed of self-selected volunteers, also known as the voluntary-response bias. The resulting sample is often over-representative of those who have strong opinions and thus may not be a true representation of the general opinion on a product, servuce or issue.

What is a Corporate Image Study?
A corporate image study is similar to branding research. The focus is on the perception that members of the wider community have of a company, and the position it holds within that community. Corporate image describes what consumers think about a company - their thoughts, feelings and expectations on issues such as products, services and customer satisfaction.

What are "Intercepts'?
The term 'Intercepts' defines a wide range of short, quick interviews which are carried out "in-situe" with consumers.
Street intercepts are a common form and involve approaching likely interview prospects at a specified time and location, asking several screening questions to establish the respondents eligiability, then asking for permission to complete a questionnaire - sometimes, though not exclusively, in return for a small incentive.
Intercepts are also frequently carried out in or outside shopping centres, or other large retail outlets - indeed any venue where a high number of the specified target group are likely. Normally, regardless of the qualification questions, the sample should be viewed as a convenience sample, as sample selection is often less tightly managed than with other methods. However, intercept surveys have great advantages in terms of cost, turnaround time and establishing a good range of views.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative and interesting post.It is really a big help. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
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