Sunday, March 28, 2010

Coca-Cola Uses Mobile Research To Capture Real Time Brand Touch Points

Friends this interesting news i got from a Marketing Research website. Tells about the latest reasearch technique companies are using.
Delegates at Globalpark’s forthcoming Mobile Research Conference in London will be among the first to hear findings from a groundbreaking research project that could be the answer to problems that have previously challenged market researchers.

Heval Ceylan, Experience Director at MESH Planning, will take to the stage with Linda Neville, Portfolio Planner at Coca-Cola, to share findings from a mobile research project they worked on last year.

Using a three-stage approach they set out to elicit responses in real-time.

The project used the mobile as one research platform to help Coca-Cola understand the various touch points respondents – who had been recruited through an online panel - had with a short list of specific brands. The first stage of research involved an online questionnaire to understand people’s relationships to the brands.

Then using their mobile phones for the second stage of the project, respondents were asked to text whenever they came into contact with one of these brands over a period of a week and reply to a text containing a code frame using four simple characters.

These texts provided information including where they saw the brand, how they felt about the touch point and how likely that made them to choose the brand next time.

The mobile approach met a number of the key objectives: it provided research findings in real time, allowing Coca-Cola quickly to make changes in their ongoing “topical” campaign in newspapers as the results were analysed; it was deemed the perfect platform for reaching the target market of 25-49 year old ABC1 respondents and it was able to capture experiences with the brands being measured as they happened, including photos.

Conference delegates will gain other useful insights from the project: how MESH Planning was able to integrate the results of mobile research with those from the online platform; how online diaries were used by the respondents to see what they had submitted; how the MESH research team were able to instruct respondents in the methodology throughout the project.

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